i finally got to blogging. i mean back to blogging and finally got out of the lazy spell to blog. so yeah, back to school. my room is b305. still staying in the same hostel.=/////everything's same except i don't have any friends in college. so i have decided to be extra LUBUK.=P my room mate is soo ee, nice chinese junior. phew!!but dunno who is my other roomie.
in school, i am taking psychology class as my out fac sub. it's fun=). my time table bit messed up. but sounds ok to me. =)
i finally went to see my PA.after 4 sems. ahahaha, but phew, he said my sub are balanced, and idun have to worry. hehe.
to my surprise, lc surprised me...he bought me a new hp. w760i. its the latest sony w series phone out, and its super cool ,and canggih. i din expect it, cz i told him i would buy a mp3 player, cz mine not working, and i did tell him i liked 2 phones, but no money to buy, so wait first. see see he went and bought, not that phone i said was nice, but the latest, better, more canggih one. i am so touched, that i am speechless. it's my first birthday present for the year=), first birthday present from lc. thanx baby. =)shall put up pics of my new "toy" soon k?
my laptop is stil lwith dr wyno=/ miss her..
i surprised lc by coming over to his house just now. he's in Lan while i am typing this. hehehehe. i too ka cab here, and u know what, i couldn stop laughing. cz on the way to his house, in the cab, in um, there was this guy walking, and u know um got a lot of sign boards, he was walking and hoping he would get the taxi am sitting in would stop for him, and so farnie, cz while he was looking behind for taxi, he din notice the sign board i nfront of him. he banged into it. and he was rubbing his head. sorry to laugh, but it was so farnie.ahahahaahaha. hey, idun care if pp lwil laugh at me k?cz i know everyone would laugh also if i banged my head somewhere.so its ok if karma bite me back=P
then on way to lc's house, i took a cab. sigh. so garang and frustrated old man. kept calling al lthe drivers idiots, and said he never uses bangsar way cz its jam. then why fetch me right?shtupid!!(my sister's boss says stupid lik that)=)
anyway wanan go do other thigs now. sis made pasta for me. so goign to eat now=)hehehehee.bdw, i bought a journal to pour my heart out. i cant really rely on blogs, cz its not private enuf, and 2nd, i dun get to access internet all he time. so yeah. it's back to the traditional dear diary thingy=PPPP