so called tom yam soup which my darling bf said it was super's ju ju bit=P
before we started piging out=P
comel kan?he was waiting for my mom to go up..everybody's follower=)
hes the handsome sayang that stays outside and guards the house/hehe nto yet, but
we had a sleep over. chai hoong and me. =)
like mak cik only
before make up. i deleted my before make up pic cz i look so dam so hai.hahahah heres one pic of me before make up=)
after make up, but tak seimbang. i did one too much colour, other eye not dark enuf.=/
this girl, dam semangat. foundation and lip gloss pun pakai.hehe
sis said like got boxed.hehehehe
both of us after make up.hehe
eyes shut!!!=)
we also did facial. no, she did facial for me, believe me, this is the best mask pore pack FLAT.when i say flat, i really mean it.its just raw egg white.stinks and bit yucky but it works so well. only rm0.30. if you want to count, you only pay for the egg. compared to all the facial and mask u do outside. so bloody expensive, and all they do is just massage your face, and promote their products, which is soooo expensive and doesn't work. so yeah.. hail the egg white mask.=P
hhaha..egg white ghost.
so that was my sleep over last wednesday. fun one!!unfortunately both of us got short hair, if not sure play with hair
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