Saturday 15 March 2008

the first time

the first time i actually had a serious conversation and long one with you at "the apartment" curve, it was nice to know you and you were not lansi actually, but a very fun person to chat with=)

the first time you wrote on my wall in facebook..i felt excited to receive a comment from you

the first time you texted me on msn and the first time we chatted on msn.. that feeling of excitement and looking forward to see you online

the first time you smsed me on my mobile telling me welcome back to kl and have a nice day. the thrilled feeling of seeing your name appear on my screen and the alphabet "L" when the name of sender appears on my screen

the first time you called me on the phone and we ended up talking for about 5 hours and next day got early morning class. the reason you called was coz i told you i was having a headache and couldn't sleep and you were in your friend's house. you came downstairs and talked to me and comforted me despite having your friends wait for you upstairs. and you told me you were worried for me.

the first time you asked me out on a date because you were worried for me as i was complaining of water disruption in my college and my choir kids giving me hell.

the first time you drove inside um, looking for 2nd college and when you were outside waiting for me to come down, i got into your car for the first time, and seeing you again after "the apartment", that feeling was very nice.(and yeah, you look like doughlas lim then)=)

the first time we went to eat somewhere, you took me to bangsar and went to "nirvana" nasi kandar, where i ate rice and you ate rice too with dhal. the feeling of shyness eating in front of you, and looking in your eyes straight.=)

the first time you asked me to go yumcha at murni's, and introduced your close friend to me. the first time you took me to a park in hartamas, and put your hands around me when i sat next to you.

the first time you kissed me on my forehead and cheeks.

the first time i smelled your body.

the first time you held my hand gently..i can't express that feeling, but it was great!!

the first time i felt your warmth

the first time you offered to help in my problems, as to go scout for ties for the guys. you offered to take me and my sister to sungai wang coz you know a place where they sell cheap ties, i was touched!

the first time we went for a movie which was "the game plan" in mid valley, the first time you fed me pop corns=) awww..

the first time you french kissed me in the cinema, and the way you kissed me first... you put a popcorn in your mouth and fed me with it. honestly, i did not see it coming and was shocked. i did not know how to handle that, and tried pushing the popcorn away and once it was away, i kissed you back. awww, baby that's so sweet.

the first time you brought me back home to meet your mom.=)i was so nervous, but it went well.

the first time you asked me to join your family for dinner=)also scared, but went well.

the first time was always the best, but it still is baby. everytime we go out, it's special and i feel it's like the first time. so cheers to more of everything, and more special moments together!!=)=)

1 comment:

Emocracy said...

Awww! I'm touched that u remembered the precious moments we had together...the popcorn kissing thing was last-minute improvisation. So I'm sorry if it was kinda cheesy (my kiss, not the popcorn).

Anyways, I'm looking forward to more memorable moments with u, sweetie. Love ya! *muax~!* ;)