Saturday 15 March 2008

jewel of tibet the musical=)

harlo, i went to watch this grand show kat istana budaya, called "jewel of tibet the musical". ok, we all went actualyl because chee wei was performing. if not we all would not have known bout it too. but yeah, it was fantastic. show was good. the sets and costumes were so grand, and istana budaya is beautiful. so state of the art man!!i so jakun studying performing arts but never been there. sad sad!!!but anyway, it was good la, the show, worth my RM103=) though we could have got better seats but it was good enough. it was in mandarin so i had to read the subtitles. great show. acting, singing, set, props, costumes very very the grand and they all can sing and dance well. thumbs up to the director, choreographer, music director, actors and dancers, and of course production managers and stage managers. good job!!!!couldn record or take pictures inside. but we took pictures of ourselves during the interlude=)so here are the pictures taken

adeline and chien huey-lc's coursemates/buddies

adeline, chien huey, lc, adelle

ee von and me=)

lye choong

me, jian, cheng choo and ee von

all of us with chee wei=)after the show

adeline, chien huey, lc and chee wei

best buddies=)

ok, the pictures after this was taken in asia cafe, as we were very amused with a freebees gift chegn choo had. its so farnie!!!we all took turns to wear it=)



the "it"

trying to pick her "nose"

a bloated clown=)

rewind back to show time, but before we entered the panggung=)me and lc

so that were the pictures of the show and yumcha at asia cafe. shall update again. till then!!

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