Saturday 9 August 2008

not appreciated and valued!!

the more i talk to people around me, the more i meet people, the more i feel what ever i do is not appreciated and valued!i try to be a good friend, i try to help you out, but at the end, my good effort just falls on deaf ears. i am nice to you, but you don't show me back. i feel like it's just a waste of time and effort, and emotions!!

i was telling my sister how i feel bout this, and she said:

"be nice to people who are nice to you and deserve it, but be selfish to those who deserve that treatment. it's not worth it, because these people don't appreciate you and what you do for them. they just take you for granted and expect you to do it for them, but they won't bother doing it for you."

i find it so true. i feel people take me for granted!. they think i will do everything, plan everything!!and i am so tired of doing all this. i told myself i am not going to care bout other people unless they deserve it. quote what my sister advised me again:

"don't bother being nice to everyone else. just be nice to your boy friend, and family, because these are the people who will always be there for you no matter what, and they wont make use of u, take you for granted!!"

as time goes by, i feel i am left out of everything. people around me don't appreciate me, they just making use of me. and it hurts, but that's the world now a days. so i just got to be strong. i am on my own anyway!!!!have always been!

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