Thursday 18 February 2010


it's Thursday night..tomorrow is Friday..duh...hahaahahhaahah...i did not close any cases today. but presented to few potentials. please dun ffk;(..

anyways, i am kinda angry and disappointed with a lot of things around me. things i cant change..and i realized, its not so much bout the target that's stressing me out, it's the environment. but what can i do? the best thing is just to rely only on yourself, trust no one but yourself... of course in my "yourself", it includes mummy, daddy, gunne, Chris, ky and God.. when i say trust no one but yourself is trusting people around me...the world is such. people will do anything to get on top. and if its stepping on you, stabbing u, they will. i wasn't brought up in that way. that's why i cant adapt. but whatever la. i am a strong girl...i will see through this. i will hold on. i will hold my chins up and and say i can do it, and i have one day;)...God is holding me. He will not let me fall. and if he does, He will catch me and hold me..i will trust in Him...

just had dinner.. whihc ws mummy's onion curry and 3 slices of bread.:)

back home tomorrow. ky on call .so will buy him dinner. makan with him and then got musical practice i naunty grace house.saturday night going ky's place for lou sang:)..

ok,knit knit time.bubyeee

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