Monday 6 October 2008

tet's and chris brithday

we celebrated sis's and Chris's birthday on sat CZ they wont be here on Tues ma!.it was a fun celebration, firstly, CZ it was just us family, and i baked them a cake. carrot walnut, CZ sister liked this cake. it wasn't hard, but a part of it back fired, the stupid icing pipe burst when i was writing the words. because of that, i had to use the colored hearts i bought in kl and decorated it and splashed it on top of the icing. looked pretty thought. phew!it tasted good though. my first attempt on a carrot walnut cake, first attempt using icing, first attempt using icing pipe but it burst!:(but it was so nice. sis was happy, and said it is the best birthday cake cz it's made and there's the personal touch!!awwww!. it doesn't look perfect but it's good enough!:Dcarrot wlanut with pancake syrup with extra TLC:D

32 plus 26, makes it 58 candles!:D

happy happy family:dbut adam should be in too:(

the most beautiful dress i bought in i&r for only rm25:D

then we had our music in theater final presentation. our group was called the fantastic 11, named by Rachel;.hehe our theme was independance. (merdeka) in conjunction with merdeka (when we decided obviously)hehehe. it went well, and ws quite farnie though, but here's the fantastic 11:D



smich said...

So u finally took the pictures of u in the dress?? aiyo... vain pot! =)

babymau said...

was waiting for you:(but you duwan take with me. so had to take myslef. hahahahaa