Sunday 10 May 2009

big cinema

yayyy, we finally have a cinema in teluk intan. it's really like gsc. and they have pop corn. me and yi jing were so excited we had to go watch. they were only showing x-men, bohsia and a Tamil show. i didn't want to watch x-men cz i knew i wont understand. and Tamil obviously not cz none of us understand at all. so we settled for bohsia. which was pretty lame at first. i mean the acting, but it made me scared and aware of what's really going on in kl at night. very dangerous for girls to hang out. gosh!!!!dun think i wanna go out lepak til late la. scarrry.

then was checking out my tan. yahoo!!!its super tanned and sexy. lol.:)so excited to see it. now i must preserve it:p

then comes my 2nd masterpiece. i finally finished bebeh's muffler, and omg, it's beautiful:):). it's so soft, and comfy. (not so beautiful and comfy for the wallet though) but it's really nice:) I'm doing wyno's muffler, which is super hard and time consuming, cz the yarn is very thin, and using thin needles. thin metal needles. so it's kinda hard. but I'm enjoying myself. its heading there, though i'm still on my first yarn, but it's quite a lot dy.

got few more mufflers to do, and i learn how to do few diff kind of stitches dy.yayy*pets herself and says well done delle*.wil lexperiment on it on my next few projects. anyways, here are some random pics of me, my tan, the top and dress i bought in pangkor, some funny pictures i took, dinner the other day, my knitting and bohsia outing:P

my new project-for wyno:)

went to kitchen in one u...:)thats my thesis/report bdw:)

that's my mom's hand made wallet. we got her for mother's day.:)got her 2 things, a shu uemura black eye shadow and this wallet:)she loved it;)

that was my toe. some foreign object entered when i was in pangkor. i ignored it, till Friday, i noticed it was black. freaked me out a while, but i managed to pull it out. it was a sand i think. it was hard. this was before removing la. after removing it looked normal. so din take pic

isn't it beautiful?:):):)

that's the eye shadow and that's me knitting:)

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