yummy yummy yummmy:D
then i also wanted to eat langsat, suddenly. so mummy bought for me from the market:D
veli niceee:)
then today, i had another craving. ok this is gonna sound so jakun, but i din know it was so nice only till last 2 weeks, when ee Von, cat and jian came down to ti. we went to "the store" to get junk food and toothpaste, when each of us picked one junk food, and cat and ee Von were so excited to buy it cz it's like cheaper then 7-e, number one and cheaper then in kl, number 2. so they were so excited and even said wanna buy a few and go back. so farnie right?then i was thinking what so great bout it?see see when we were playing uno, they opened it, omgg, it's so nice. not like pringles or Mr potato. it's sliced so thin, not oily, and not too much ajinamoto but very niceeeeee. wahhh. so today i went to boon huat to buy brown paper to wrap the parcel, and i saw this in front of my eyes. i knew i had to buy it.:)and omg, it's so nice. it's almost finished now. i opened it at 6 plus just now, and now there's only like quarter left in the bottle. maybe tomorrow will go buy. so here it is: (ee Von knows dy) hahaahahah
original flavor nice:)
bottled, for midnight snack:P or when watching series.ehehehe
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