did i not promise to be back?hahahahahaa.
anyways the reason why i am blogging is czz i wanna pass time.. you know the asshole did not reply my emaail. and so iam not going to g oto work or even send him another whats app. wats he going to do?call me in on next thurs?show me blackest face????? fire me? oh he cant because there is no contract:) for once i am happy i havent signed my contract, cz i can do anything i want!:D showing cb face? already showing... wat you going to do??????call me a zillion times on thurs? i wont pick up either from office or their calls. give them a taste of their own medicine:) sweet. i so cant be bothered. they are meeting all the clients which i called and introduce, but not including me in the loop, and asking the intern to do everything. prob they suspect i am leaving... but until i throw in my letter i am still here. you are looking for interns? good luck .u want interns cz cheap labour... not one staff stays with you. but you make it seem like you are in demand. per lease la. do you know your reputation around or not? ur reputation is shit....
i never met anyone, or any boss as idiotic and such assholes. honestly, you are beyond comparison, why enfinity can have their own team?>why farida merican can have their own team together?because they take care of their staff. but you??? not even 1 stays on... that definitely shows smth. enfiniti organizes christmas parties and get together for her staff that has been with her for the last 10 years. of course asshole will say they have been in the market for so long, of course they got loyal staff. but those loyal staff must have been happy to stay on till now... everyone works for a reason, money, benefits, passion ,environment, boss, job scope, for me, everything i mentioned i am not happy. really slave driver. assholes!!
and i thought you are my friend..but you betrayed me, you never stood up for me, so i dun care even if i hurt your feelings. i am disappointed with you.
i am definitely leaving next week, but i am just waiting for my salary. they better not mess with my salary and dun give, knowing this bastard, he might, he owes the whole world money, but wanna act big. your gf is in for a lot of shit. good luck.!
its only 4.45. shit la...anyways tonight dinner is ckt*please be open* please please please. if its not open, i dunno where to eat, hmmm, sam burger kot. if not open, i dunno. aaaarghhhh. tonight need to fill u forms, tomorrow need to go take pic*please be open* if not i also really dunno how, photostat ic and pay slips and more certs,
i am sleepy and tired, sigh.... hope on jam later. i cant deal with jam anymore.:(
everyones busy. no one is free to sembang with me:( i am bored fo stalking so do wAt? sigh...
anyways ok la, last blog till next week. its singapore baby.:D. but i got interviews on thursday:( hope al lgoes well. just now ambank called me, ask for interview on fri, isaid cannot, but after 3rd can and if i am still working i dont care iam going on mc, and i will not inform that asshole, i will inform casey. too bad, he already shows me the worse face ever. whats he going to do?punch me? if he does my father will break his bones. literally. dun mess with my dad.... mavericks friends will bash his car up, do i sound like i am related to tugs?no act, just we dotn let ppl push us around. i am done lettign u push me around use me cheat me, i dont care if youre company succeeds or fails, looking at this attitude if you dony change, it WILL NOT SUCCEED. but if u change, it might... no company can succeed without human resource. never.. and with your big big dreams, even more u wont succeed. byeee.
dammmm its only 4.55. why is it taking so long to reach 5.30??sigh. ok la bye for real. sigh. happy holidays
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
singapore check list -part 2(28.10.2011-2.11.2011)
so i am guessing i might not have much time after this, as tomorrow i will be in ti, and no internet, and i will be coming back to kl i nevening. no internet and need to prepare for interview, and Thursday is a long day, with 2 interviews back to back, and then night dinner with ky sis an mav, then come home, pack for Singapore(yeah i havent packed)*&&^%@_@. *dun worry, it will be ok ,chill*. then friday i am flying dy. so ok back to check list:)
most important:
1) passport
2) wallet(cash+ic)
equally important:
3) dress
4) tennis skirt
5) adidas training shoes
6) socks
7) blue heels
8) make up+make up brush set+make up remover+ brush cleaner+facial cotton
9) pearl earings and necklace
10)dinner clutch purse
11)clothes(to last me till nov 2nd):P
14)camera charger
16)phone charger
17)sun shades
18)bookmarks(almost forgot this):P
19)panty hose
is that a long list? hope my bag wont be too heavy@_@. if not have to pay extra:(. mei you chien. ok la i will bog later. i better go work now... before idiot boss comes back. bai.
most important:
1) passport
2) wallet(cash+ic)
equally important:
3) dress
4) tennis skirt
5) adidas training shoes
6) socks
7) blue heels
8) make up+make up brush set+make up remover+ brush cleaner+facial cotton
9) pearl earings and necklace
10)dinner clutch purse
11)clothes(to last me till nov 2nd):P
14)camera charger
16)phone charger
17)sun shades
18)bookmarks(almost forgot this):P
19)panty hose
is that a long list? hope my bag wont be too heavy@_@. if not have to pay extra:(. mei you chien. ok la i will bog later. i better go work now... before idiot boss comes back. bai.
Monday, 24 October 2011
my bag is not completed yet. *&^%$#@#$%%^^&*. i spent the hwole day sewign the edges, till my finger literally bled, and i am supposed to complete it on wed, but i am going back to ti tomorrow after work, cz my ut and insurance cert and pay slips are at home:( and i need it for interview on Thursday. dunno when i am goign to go settle my bag, butttt i wil lbe resigning soon ,so i guess i will be bti freeer since i dun have a job yet?:) hope i wont be jobless for too long though.
heard smth that made me feel sad, apparently they avoided my cal levn o nthe first day of interview, they told everyone i am wasting their time, askign for directions, if i dun ask u , thne ask who? my first tim driving in kota damansara, my first time to ur office, and now u say i waste urt time and spoil my name in front of everyonr? and u r supposed to be my friend. i feel so backstabbed.
anyways i am definitely resigning next week or when my money clears.. too bad, i cant feel sorry for your company, u dont appreciate me and respect me, i am sorry... i am leaving..
i need to resign soon, and go 100% to apply more jobs, and be ready for interview, if i am still working its hard to go for interview, i dun want to simply take leave or mc, so it's best if i resign, and use that time go to companies, apply job personally. and take a break, maybe go back ti, rest then when got interview or need to go to company then come back kl, but then again i cant do it too much cz i am jobless remember?and if i take loan from ky, once i start working will need to pay him back.lol so yeah.
going to see wat i can do now, while wait for 1pm, go take photograph and eat sugar crackers for lunch. so i will be back in the evening. ky's on passive otday, and yay, last call o nwed(which i suspect is going to be busyyyy cz its diwali).. i miss him so much, first time since we were together, we din see each other for 2 weekends:( luckily i am seeing him for dinner tomorrow:) and prob brign him lunch on wed, dinner i wil lbe back i nkl dy,
so blog later before 5.30..bai
cupcake smurfette
heard smth that made me feel sad, apparently they avoided my cal levn o nthe first day of interview, they told everyone i am wasting their time, askign for directions, if i dun ask u , thne ask who? my first tim driving in kota damansara, my first time to ur office, and now u say i waste urt time and spoil my name in front of everyonr? and u r supposed to be my friend. i feel so backstabbed.
anyways i am definitely resigning next week or when my money clears.. too bad, i cant feel sorry for your company, u dont appreciate me and respect me, i am sorry... i am leaving..
i need to resign soon, and go 100% to apply more jobs, and be ready for interview, if i am still working its hard to go for interview, i dun want to simply take leave or mc, so it's best if i resign, and use that time go to companies, apply job personally. and take a break, maybe go back ti, rest then when got interview or need to go to company then come back kl, but then again i cant do it too much cz i am jobless remember?and if i take loan from ky, once i start working will need to pay him back.lol so yeah.
going to see wat i can do now, while wait for 1pm, go take photograph and eat sugar crackers for lunch. so i will be back in the evening. ky's on passive otday, and yay, last call o nwed(which i suspect is going to be busyyyy cz its diwali).. i miss him so much, first time since we were together, we din see each other for 2 weekends:( luckily i am seeing him for dinner tomorrow:) and prob brign him lunch on wed, dinner i wil lbe back i nkl dy,
so blog later before 5.30..bai
cupcake smurfette
Friday, 21 October 2011
what's on next week?
busy busy week next week. why? ok i work for 2 days,yayyyyyy, then wed is deepavali, so i have 1 day to take a nice long break, because 27th is a busy busy busy day.. 930am interview with Citibank, then 3.30pm interview with uob bank. 930am is assessment, then 11am interview. hope it wont take too long, cz i will need to rush to medan pasar. i will be using public transport. so that means i have to leave my house at 645am, dunno should i park my car in ktm or drive to kelana jaya, then take public transport to menara Citibank. its using kelana jaya line. then need to rush to medan pasar(i think using kelana jaya line also. cz its at pasar seni, Bangkok bank there). wow.... but rewarding news, after a long day of traveling here and there, my puss in boots is coming down that evening, and we will go for delicious crabs /nasi lemak
( its not both. its either one, which we haven't decided) and on Friday early morning, we are flying to Singapore for a great holiday.:) Friday i am not sure what is the plan maybe just rest, hang around, cz i think everyone's working, maybe go walk around( which i dunno where) then night dinner with the gang, unless i need to go wing place to plan. i dunno, maybe. then sat prob go to wing place earlier with Loretta, then whole day wedding, Sunday go universal studio:), Monday go zoo and safari and Tuesday go walk around shopping and buy pop corn. wed come back to Malaysia;( and Thurs work, sigh. but yeah its busy busy busy week:P i hope smth positive comes out from the interview. i will be tendering my letter of resignation the day my money clear.s my salary, i will be professional,. i will hand over my work thoroughly, properly, and tell him, i wont stay for 2 weeks cz no contract, but i will stay till work is completely understood by derene and handed over properly, then i will leave. i hope i will have time to rest and start back new work. cz i really want to take a break. for a while... i hope i get more interviews.
anyways, nth i can do. just keep applying job, and smth wil lcome in i believe. plans tonight, mum mum with sister:), tomorrow wake up late, wash clothes, then 6pm go out with Chloe, dunno go where and whats the plan yet. then sunday go to lily to complete my bag. yayy did i tell you its done? just need to connect edges sew button button hole etc and voila:) cant wait*happy*.
another 15 minutes to go. shoudl i send hi mdaily update? yeah i think i should be good til lmy money clears:). ok la i go send hi mthat. i wont be her for weekend so happy wekeend. bf is on call tongiht and sunday:(. but nvmd i shall not complain. so happy weekend:)
puss in boots
( its not both. its either one, which we haven't decided) and on Friday early morning, we are flying to Singapore for a great holiday.:) Friday i am not sure what is the plan maybe just rest, hang around, cz i think everyone's working, maybe go walk around( which i dunno where) then night dinner with the gang, unless i need to go wing place to plan. i dunno, maybe. then sat prob go to wing place earlier with Loretta, then whole day wedding, Sunday go universal studio:), Monday go zoo and safari and Tuesday go walk around shopping and buy pop corn. wed come back to Malaysia;( and Thurs work, sigh. but yeah its busy busy busy week:P i hope smth positive comes out from the interview. i will be tendering my letter of resignation the day my money clear.s my salary, i will be professional,. i will hand over my work thoroughly, properly, and tell him, i wont stay for 2 weeks cz no contract, but i will stay till work is completely understood by derene and handed over properly, then i will leave. i hope i will have time to rest and start back new work. cz i really want to take a break. for a while... i hope i get more interviews.
anyways, nth i can do. just keep applying job, and smth wil lcome in i believe. plans tonight, mum mum with sister:), tomorrow wake up late, wash clothes, then 6pm go out with Chloe, dunno go where and whats the plan yet. then sunday go to lily to complete my bag. yayy did i tell you its done? just need to connect edges sew button button hole etc and voila:) cant wait*happy*.
another 15 minutes to go. shoudl i send hi mdaily update? yeah i think i should be good til lmy money clears:). ok la i go send hi mthat. i wont be her for weekend so happy wekeend. bf is on call tongiht and sunday:(. but nvmd i shall not complain. so happy weekend:)
puss in boots
Monday, 17 October 2011
hi peeps,
i din blog today. does that make me freE? act i was not busy but not totally free either. hmmm. i called, snet out some emails, emails my resume to inti, applied for more jobs. act i am wondering, if applying via jobstreet really works, cz i applied like uncountable jobs in job street, but i received nothing. hmmm
its thunderign now. great. just when i am going home. sigh. anyways, idiot boss questioned me why i did not go last saturday.... i dun see how i need to go, its just a 1 hour promotion, and so much hassle, so much expenses, but i cant claim! you know when i go out, i always do the calculattion.. how much will ispend. the $ sign and question is always the main thing. it isnt exactly easy to be poor and live in kl. so when i go to times square, i wil lspend a lot on transport, as i dun dare drive, even if i use touch and go, eventually i will need to reload, it's still money. some more can ask me i should go, why idin go, and at least inform them. i dun feel like informing. and today u suddenyl remember the contrsct, but i have to print, which employee prints their own contract? when i ask him bout the time amendment, he says contract is 9-6, but out of our good will we let you go back at 5.30. trying to make it seem like this company is so merciful. my ass la. dunno should i go this saturday or not. wanan go cut hair also cannot .all hopes dash cz need to go for this stupid thing. sigh.
anyways its black, and already raining, and its 5.20. i leave office at sharp 5.30. how??i hate staying back later... sigh.but leave now i am going to get wet, and it's going to be jam.how how how how!
my bag strap is at 93cm(yesterday night) today i did 20 rows, later at night, i must do another 60 rows. that makes it 80 rows today:) then i will measure. i just need another 34cm(yesterday)hehehehehehe. cant wait to finish it. and complete it this sunday.
so shoudl i go back or not? but i really duwan stay leh. hate staying hate going hoem late. but i tihnk if i leave now, i might be stuck in horrible jam, i might reach later then normal also. how r?
anyways shall see you tomorrow. gonna send him his daily update frist, and contemplate to go home or not to go home. ok see you.
cupcake smurfette
i din blog today. does that make me freE? act i was not busy but not totally free either. hmmm. i called, snet out some emails, emails my resume to inti, applied for more jobs. act i am wondering, if applying via jobstreet really works, cz i applied like uncountable jobs in job street, but i received nothing. hmmm
its thunderign now. great. just when i am going home. sigh. anyways, idiot boss questioned me why i did not go last saturday.... i dun see how i need to go, its just a 1 hour promotion, and so much hassle, so much expenses, but i cant claim! you know when i go out, i always do the calculattion.. how much will ispend. the $ sign and question is always the main thing. it isnt exactly easy to be poor and live in kl. so when i go to times square, i wil lspend a lot on transport, as i dun dare drive, even if i use touch and go, eventually i will need to reload, it's still money. some more can ask me i should go, why idin go, and at least inform them. i dun feel like informing. and today u suddenyl remember the contrsct, but i have to print, which employee prints their own contract? when i ask him bout the time amendment, he says contract is 9-6, but out of our good will we let you go back at 5.30. trying to make it seem like this company is so merciful. my ass la. dunno should i go this saturday or not. wanan go cut hair also cannot .all hopes dash cz need to go for this stupid thing. sigh.
anyways its black, and already raining, and its 5.20. i leave office at sharp 5.30. how??i hate staying back later... sigh.but leave now i am going to get wet, and it's going to be jam.how how how how!
my bag strap is at 93cm(yesterday night) today i did 20 rows, later at night, i must do another 60 rows. that makes it 80 rows today:) then i will measure. i just need another 34cm(yesterday)hehehehehehe. cant wait to finish it. and complete it this sunday.
so shoudl i go back or not? but i really duwan stay leh. hate staying hate going hoem late. but i tihnk if i leave now, i might be stuck in horrible jam, i might reach later then normal also. how r?
anyways shall see you tomorrow. gonna send him his daily update frist, and contemplate to go home or not to go home. ok see you.
cupcake smurfette
Friday, 14 October 2011
dear diary
dear diary......
it's been a reallly tiring week/month. sigh. its my job. i duwan to go on about it. its the weekend. and its raining pigs and cows now. how to go back at 530???@@. sure gonna be dam the jam lo. sigh.. how how how???? i must leAVE AT 530 I DONT CARE. BAI.
oh i am still here. hahahaha. talking of something not related to work, i finished all the singapore bookmarks and ky's bro's... now need to pack it:). but i am currently stuck with my bag strap. omggg. i need to do 127 cm, i am only 36cm long, i need to do another91cm, and it takes frigging longg to do even 20 rows, my fingers turn red, my hands are painful.... and i have 91cm more to do@_@, *horrified*. and my dateline is next Saturday night. why next Saturday night? cz i need to go and complete it, connect the edges, sew button,m connect the strap, on Sunday .. and i MUST BRING THIS BAG TO SINGAPORE, I HAVE NO MONEY TO BUY A NEW BAG TO GO KAI KAI.. (but this bag is more valuable then any bag bought off the shelve.) serious..... monetary wise, its dam ex.. i calculated the cost, to complete this bag, i spent RM552.30. (including workmanship la) but excluding petrol to go to ipoh to learn it, to subang parade. deng. rm552 can buy 5 vincci bags, or 1 fossil bag,:P but this one cannot be compared to any value, because it's handmade by me memememme. not factory made.awwww.. and this is my first knitted project for myself.yayyyy.... so kudos to myself. but yeah, i have to finish the difficult making strap by saturday, next Saturday. but i can do it. *signs jika kau fikirkan kau boleh, boleh, ...... yakin boleh* u know that's the Thomas cup song?? when they sung it when they won the cup.... (i am sure you cant remember because its been donkey years since they won it)hahaahhaha.
anyways, its raining, but i dont want to stay in office, i know its going to be blinking jam. but i think i will leave at 530 as planned. anyways happy weekend. so fast last week i was so excited getting ready to go Singapore, and its going to be another 2 weekends not seeing kunju, and he's on call tom and passive on sunday:( which makes it no communication at all. huhhuuhuhuhuh look on the bright side, we will have 6 days together i nsingapore end of this motnh. wohoooooooo!!!.universal studios, wedding bells, c ornery pop corn, ............. spending time with each other, snuggling up next to him, waking up next to him, morning kiss and hugs. oh i love that. well that is definitely something to look forward to ya:)
so happy weekend my virtual readers. baiiiii
it's been a reallly tiring week/month. sigh. its my job. i duwan to go on about it. its the weekend. and its raining pigs and cows now. how to go back at 530???@@. sure gonna be dam the jam lo. sigh.. how how how???? i must leAVE AT 530 I DONT CARE. BAI.
oh i am still here. hahahaha. talking of something not related to work, i finished all the singapore bookmarks and ky's bro's... now need to pack it:). but i am currently stuck with my bag strap. omggg. i need to do 127 cm, i am only 36cm long, i need to do another91cm, and it takes frigging longg to do even 20 rows, my fingers turn red, my hands are painful.... and i have 91cm more to do@_@, *horrified*. and my dateline is next Saturday night. why next Saturday night? cz i need to go and complete it, connect the edges, sew button,m connect the strap, on Sunday .. and i MUST BRING THIS BAG TO SINGAPORE, I HAVE NO MONEY TO BUY A NEW BAG TO GO KAI KAI.. (but this bag is more valuable then any bag bought off the shelve.) serious..... monetary wise, its dam ex.. i calculated the cost, to complete this bag, i spent RM552.30. (including workmanship la) but excluding petrol to go to ipoh to learn it, to subang parade. deng. rm552 can buy 5 vincci bags, or 1 fossil bag,:P but this one cannot be compared to any value, because it's handmade by me memememme. not factory made.awwww.. and this is my first knitted project for myself.yayyyy.... so kudos to myself. but yeah, i have to finish the difficult making strap by saturday, next Saturday. but i can do it. *signs jika kau fikirkan kau boleh, boleh, ...... yakin boleh* u know that's the Thomas cup song?? when they sung it when they won the cup.... (i am sure you cant remember because its been donkey years since they won it)hahaahhaha.
anyways, its raining, but i dont want to stay in office, i know its going to be blinking jam. but i think i will leave at 530 as planned. anyways happy weekend. so fast last week i was so excited getting ready to go Singapore, and its going to be another 2 weekends not seeing kunju, and he's on call tom and passive on sunday:( which makes it no communication at all. huhhuuhuhuhuh look on the bright side, we will have 6 days together i nsingapore end of this motnh. wohoooooooo!!!.universal studios, wedding bells, c ornery pop corn, ............. spending time with each other, snuggling up next to him, waking up next to him, morning kiss and hugs. oh i love that. well that is definitely something to look forward to ya:)
so happy weekend my virtual readers. baiiiii
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
it was all empty promises
i was promised a lot of things, but not even one was given.. i thought i was given a chance to learn and grow( as they, i mean He said , i must be with them, learn with them) but i am not even given the chance to learn. all i get is 1681.75. nothing else. and free coffee. that all. i am not even given the chance to learn and expand my knowledge. how sad is that?
i need to be more aggressive. i need to like send 10 resumes mini to 10 different companies, then after 2 weeks send another 10 to different companies. no i am serious. i am having procrastinating problems also. which should be eliminated straight away. i need to buck up. not in job, but in looking for another job. its not going to drop on my feet if i don't look for it. i need to run...i pray that He will guide me in this process, dun let me procrastinate, something will come in if i am aggressive. i believe in myself. tomorrow, no i am serious, i am going to write down all the companies HR department address, and i am going to courier one by one.
they are looking for interns in sales and marketing. i suspect something fishy. there's another reason why i am sad, but i am just too lazy to type it out here. or maybe i should, guess i will feel better. sometimes when i am so down, and the one person i wanna talk to is not free, it kinda sucks to have that feeling, right now i feel so lonely, as in no one to listen to me..... and comfort me, and plus with my pms, my emotions are everywhere, and i cant put them in their place. lol. i mean not LOL-ING that my emotions are everywhere, i am LOL-ing cz it sounds funny, putting them back, like they are cookies, and we can just transfer them back to where it belongs. :P
anyway am i really going to do this?
i think i am going to summarize it. its omg so long la. so its like this, one boss promised me the stage management job, another boss keeps quiet totally. lets give them names, idiot boss and boss friend. so boss friend ask me to become stage manager, idiot boss keeps quiet. i ask boss friend if i need to go audition cz i got work to settle in office, he says OK can, but intern buts in and ask if she is still going. so boss friends say yes she is still going, why is she going if i am not going? he says shes helping out,... if shes helping out, shouldn't i need to go?but boss friend says i am am, and its OK i dun need to go, then why she go? ok. question no 1 not answered.
Monday idiot boss and boss friend went out to meet this customer. i arrange for appointment but i dun get to go. fine~if i am stage manager dun i have to go to be there since you are finalizing rehearsal time? OK question no 2 not solved.
today, idiot boss asks me to contact client, and say we cant meet them to see venue. before this, intern ask idiot boss, "what time are we going out today". then idiot boss says its canceled. i was wondering who is idiot boss taking intern to meet??? then i thought maybe is berjaya, since intern is the big coordinator. then after idiot boss told me to cancel the appointment today, which i wasn't even aware of, it suddenly hit me, maybe(i said maybe), it was the same appointment which intern was talking about, and my issue is, is she the new SM? what about me?? if i am the sm shouldn't i be told what to start doing? but idiot boss and boss friend both are keeping quiet. rehearsal are supposed to start mid Oct. that is next week. how come i don't know anything. oh before this, when i was having meeting with idiot boss, he said, "we need to find a stage manager for sp setia( this client) and for Shout. i just kept quiet, cz back to my question(s), i thought i was the Sm? means idiot boss doesn't want me to be sm, CZ my focus is on sales and marketing, and maybe idiot boss wants the idiot intern to do it, CZ no1) its cheaper to get them, no2) they have no experience. talking of experience, she knows nuts, shes not a even planner, neither is she a degree holder in performing arts to be able to be SM for a musical. shes a mass com degree holder.. i am a performing arts degree holder, with experience in sm. not much, but i learn it, i have done it. i don't have experience in earning money for it, but i know how to do it..she doesn't. 3) they don't need to pay them, but instead fear of needing to pay me!!!!!
so did they full fill any of their promises????? none. i don't even have a contract. where is my contract?when i ask, idiot boss says, "i thought i email you that day" then when i say he suppose to print it for me, oh ok ok ok i will give u later. every time i ask, he says that. if you are forgetful how come when it comes to money issues and clients you can remember instantly? but your staff welfare you don't? not because you don't, but you don't want to care. i tell you, a company may be very successful cz of your credits, but you are no where without efficient staff.
tonight i am going to eat happy food. i am going to kfc to satisfy my cravings to eat tom yam crunch and jelly ice cream. i am down lonely, depressed and sad, and i am entitled to eat happy food today. enough of sad things today, i am eating happy food today.
dam it its only 4.25pm now.
i need to be more aggressive. i need to like send 10 resumes mini to 10 different companies, then after 2 weeks send another 10 to different companies. no i am serious. i am having procrastinating problems also. which should be eliminated straight away. i need to buck up. not in job, but in looking for another job. its not going to drop on my feet if i don't look for it. i need to run...i pray that He will guide me in this process, dun let me procrastinate, something will come in if i am aggressive. i believe in myself. tomorrow, no i am serious, i am going to write down all the companies HR department address, and i am going to courier one by one.
they are looking for interns in sales and marketing. i suspect something fishy. there's another reason why i am sad, but i am just too lazy to type it out here. or maybe i should, guess i will feel better. sometimes when i am so down, and the one person i wanna talk to is not free, it kinda sucks to have that feeling, right now i feel so lonely, as in no one to listen to me..... and comfort me, and plus with my pms, my emotions are everywhere, and i cant put them in their place. lol. i mean not LOL-ING that my emotions are everywhere, i am LOL-ing cz it sounds funny, putting them back, like they are cookies, and we can just transfer them back to where it belongs. :P
anyway am i really going to do this?
i think i am going to summarize it. its omg so long la. so its like this, one boss promised me the stage management job, another boss keeps quiet totally. lets give them names, idiot boss and boss friend. so boss friend ask me to become stage manager, idiot boss keeps quiet. i ask boss friend if i need to go audition cz i got work to settle in office, he says OK can, but intern buts in and ask if she is still going. so boss friends say yes she is still going, why is she going if i am not going? he says shes helping out,... if shes helping out, shouldn't i need to go?but boss friend says i am am, and its OK i dun need to go, then why she go? ok. question no 1 not answered.
Monday idiot boss and boss friend went out to meet this customer. i arrange for appointment but i dun get to go. fine~if i am stage manager dun i have to go to be there since you are finalizing rehearsal time? OK question no 2 not solved.
today, idiot boss asks me to contact client, and say we cant meet them to see venue. before this, intern ask idiot boss, "what time are we going out today". then idiot boss says its canceled. i was wondering who is idiot boss taking intern to meet??? then i thought maybe is berjaya, since intern is the big coordinator. then after idiot boss told me to cancel the appointment today, which i wasn't even aware of, it suddenly hit me, maybe(i said maybe), it was the same appointment which intern was talking about, and my issue is, is she the new SM? what about me?? if i am the sm shouldn't i be told what to start doing? but idiot boss and boss friend both are keeping quiet. rehearsal are supposed to start mid Oct. that is next week. how come i don't know anything. oh before this, when i was having meeting with idiot boss, he said, "we need to find a stage manager for sp setia( this client) and for Shout. i just kept quiet, cz back to my question(s), i thought i was the Sm? means idiot boss doesn't want me to be sm, CZ my focus is on sales and marketing, and maybe idiot boss wants the idiot intern to do it, CZ no1) its cheaper to get them, no2) they have no experience. talking of experience, she knows nuts, shes not a even planner, neither is she a degree holder in performing arts to be able to be SM for a musical. shes a mass com degree holder.. i am a performing arts degree holder, with experience in sm. not much, but i learn it, i have done it. i don't have experience in earning money for it, but i know how to do it..she doesn't. 3) they don't need to pay them, but instead fear of needing to pay me!!!!!
so did they full fill any of their promises????? none. i don't even have a contract. where is my contract?when i ask, idiot boss says, "i thought i email you that day" then when i say he suppose to print it for me, oh ok ok ok i will give u later. every time i ask, he says that. if you are forgetful how come when it comes to money issues and clients you can remember instantly? but your staff welfare you don't? not because you don't, but you don't want to care. i tell you, a company may be very successful cz of your credits, but you are no where without efficient staff.
tonight i am going to eat happy food. i am going to kfc to satisfy my cravings to eat tom yam crunch and jelly ice cream. i am down lonely, depressed and sad, and i am entitled to eat happy food today. enough of sad things today, i am eating happy food today.
dam it its only 4.25pm now.
Beautiful footages:)
Hi, so I completed the all the
Singapore gang bookmarks:) looks lovely:) I think I took pic of all of it. So I am
Going to upload one by
One with captions k?

This is for Lester:) fern lace bookmark:) it looks nicer now cz it's flat:) mode: moderate
Duration: 2 hours without disturbance:)

Chain of hearts(adelle's variation)
This is for wing:)
Mode: moderate
Duration: 2 and a half hours without disturbance



Clover leaf rib eyelet bookmark
Mode: moderate
Duration: 3 hours without disturbance
This is for ding:)

Chain of hearts(original)
Color: pink
Duration: 2 and half hours
Mode: moderate
Receiver: clarrisa:)

Cable braided bookmark in blue
Mode: easy
Time:2 hours
This is for Ryan:)

Gulls wings bookmark in blue
Duration: 3 hours
Mode. Easy
This is for you mark:)
P/s: a few boo boos and it looks like a spine to me:(

Chain of hearts in red
This is for Loretta with love:)

Wavy feather bookmark
Non rectangular bookmark( zig zag) love the effect
Mode: moderate
Duration: 3 hours
For you Jerry:)
Tonight I will post a pic of it. Of course I will be wrapping got in hand made envelope:) which we be settled by end of the month:)
I must do my
Bag strap this 2 weekends. I must complete it by singapore part 2:)
So that's my bookmark collection. Act I did more. I am working on my
Scrapbook, so you
Prob get a better picture soon:) yippie
- Posted by sullivanologist using BlogPress from my iPhone
Singapore gang bookmarks:) looks lovely:) I think I took pic of all of it. So I am
Going to upload one by
One with captions k?

This is for Lester:) fern lace bookmark:) it looks nicer now cz it's flat:) mode: moderate
Duration: 2 hours without disturbance:)

Chain of hearts(adelle's variation)
This is for wing:)
Mode: moderate
Duration: 2 and a half hours without disturbance



Clover leaf rib eyelet bookmark
Mode: moderate
Duration: 3 hours without disturbance
This is for ding:)

Chain of hearts(original)
Color: pink
Duration: 2 and half hours
Mode: moderate
Receiver: clarrisa:)

Cable braided bookmark in blue
Mode: easy
Time:2 hours
This is for Ryan:)

Gulls wings bookmark in blue
Duration: 3 hours
Mode. Easy
This is for you mark:)
P/s: a few boo boos and it looks like a spine to me:(

Chain of hearts in red
This is for Loretta with love:)

Wavy feather bookmark
Non rectangular bookmark( zig zag) love the effect
Mode: moderate
Duration: 3 hours
For you Jerry:)
Tonight I will post a pic of it. Of course I will be wrapping got in hand made envelope:) which we be settled by end of the month:)
I must do my
Bag strap this 2 weekends. I must complete it by singapore part 2:)
So that's my bookmark collection. Act I did more. I am working on my
Scrapbook, so you
Prob get a better picture soon:) yippie
- Posted by sullivanologist using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan PJU 5/6,Petaling Jaya,Malaysia
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
cz i said so
cz isaid so, that i will be back:D
i told ya i will be bored. oh you know what i feel like having? i feel like having kfc tom yam crunch chicken. aaaaa. maybe tomorrow ask sis, but she very kesian. cannot eat spicy food and heaty food. nvmd, i propose to her later, maybe this weekend la. but i wanna eat it now. now now now!hhahahahaahah. i think tonight, i dunno bout sis, but i wanna eat Maggie mee letup with egg and kampung koh chilli source:D if sis wanna eat mee poh i make for her:D.
my wavy feather looks good. i started the first half of pattern, looks nice. think can finish it today. hopefully can. :)
my period finally came. i went to pee just now, got blood. its red, not dark brown or bronze or black or whatever color. its red.lol.so yayyy...
i love blogging at 445, cz time will pass to 530 very fast. bdw i am still stuck in doing my daily report. why stuck?cz i had nothing to do the whole blinking day.what a day man..if tomorrow is going to be like this i really dunno.
1 things to be done tomrrow:
1) send proposal to inuovi once approved
2) send proposal to companies once finalized
3) call charity(act i am very reluctant to call them, CZ i dunno what to say). say we are proposing a fund raising project, also no CZ we are not giving them money, ask to buy corporate tickets also doesn't seem right cz they r charity bodies, ask them to sponsor obviously no, ask them if we can work in angle also they might not listen even though its benefits them, so how? that's why i have been procrastinating this task,. i am finding it hard to call ,even though i have all the numbers, and i dunno who to talk to, which department, oh why is this so hard??????
4) stalk facebook profiles
ok la, i need to finish up my report so ican run at sharp 5.30pm.
bdw i miss my sayang. ok bai'
cupcake smurfette
i told ya i will be bored. oh you know what i feel like having? i feel like having kfc tom yam crunch chicken. aaaaa. maybe tomorrow ask sis, but she very kesian. cannot eat spicy food and heaty food. nvmd, i propose to her later, maybe this weekend la. but i wanna eat it now. now now now!hhahahahaahah. i think tonight, i dunno bout sis, but i wanna eat Maggie mee letup with egg and kampung koh chilli source:D if sis wanna eat mee poh i make for her:D.
my wavy feather looks good. i started the first half of pattern, looks nice. think can finish it today. hopefully can. :)
my period finally came. i went to pee just now, got blood. its red, not dark brown or bronze or black or whatever color. its red.lol.so yayyy...
i love blogging at 445, cz time will pass to 530 very fast. bdw i am still stuck in doing my daily report. why stuck?cz i had nothing to do the whole blinking day.what a day man..if tomorrow is going to be like this i really dunno.
1 things to be done tomrrow:
1) send proposal to inuovi once approved
2) send proposal to companies once finalized
3) call charity(act i am very reluctant to call them, CZ i dunno what to say). say we are proposing a fund raising project, also no CZ we are not giving them money, ask to buy corporate tickets also doesn't seem right cz they r charity bodies, ask them to sponsor obviously no, ask them if we can work in angle also they might not listen even though its benefits them, so how? that's why i have been procrastinating this task,. i am finding it hard to call ,even though i have all the numbers, and i dunno who to talk to, which department, oh why is this so hard??????
4) stalk facebook profiles
ok la, i need to finish up my report so ican run at sharp 5.30pm.
bdw i miss my sayang. ok bai'
cupcake smurfette
aiyo, i am so frigging bored today. no work. i have emailed all the pr companies, i have nth to follow up, i have compiled companies names for corporate tickets and sponsorship, i have submitted all the ideas to him for approval. i have followed up with drama student. so do wat now? omg la... and it's taking so long to go to 1pm, and after 2pm it will take forever to reach 5.30pm. how how how?????
anyways we just got back from Singapore. short but great weekend. cant wait for the end of the month. Singapore again, longer time, more time to spend with ky and Singapore gang, holiday of the year:D and a break from all this. honestly, i havent act had a nice long break since this year. i did go places, but mostly 1-2 days, over the weekend, KY coming to kl, chilling, me going home chilling. so this end of the month will be a real long break. 6 days but still better then none. :)
so the wedding was meaningful. i teared... so touching and sweet. hope all the best for them;) and did i mention wing asked me to be one of the jie mei.. lol. my first time, and i wont be left out. all this while i feel so sien. just stand there take pic, such a looser*sob sob* think she realized i was bored, so ask me to join along:D.
my lunch is granny biskits. i am left with one more bookmark, for Jerry. thinking of doing wavy feather bookmark. it looks OK but 28 rows. but good thing, repetition only once. so i do it twice only. it makes up a nice length for bookmark. hope it turns out well.*fingers crossed*
my period, i dunno if its there. i get pains, heavy discharge, and like little darker discharge, but no blood, looks bit red, but not obvious. wanna come out just come out. dun tease me. hahahaa. that word sounds wrong. but its true, wanna come out duwan come out, like playing the fool with me.
help me. what to do after lunch????????ok i wanna go eat my biskits and start my wavy feather bookmark. i promise i will blog in evening cz i foresee boredom. bai.
bored cupcake smurfette.
p/s: some pics worth keeping for fyi:)










anyways we just got back from Singapore. short but great weekend. cant wait for the end of the month. Singapore again, longer time, more time to spend with ky and Singapore gang, holiday of the year:D and a break from all this. honestly, i havent act had a nice long break since this year. i did go places, but mostly 1-2 days, over the weekend, KY coming to kl, chilling, me going home chilling. so this end of the month will be a real long break. 6 days but still better then none. :)
so the wedding was meaningful. i teared... so touching and sweet. hope all the best for them;) and did i mention wing asked me to be one of the jie mei.. lol. my first time, and i wont be left out. all this while i feel so sien. just stand there take pic, such a looser*sob sob* think she realized i was bored, so ask me to join along:D.
my lunch is granny biskits. i am left with one more bookmark, for Jerry. thinking of doing wavy feather bookmark. it looks OK but 28 rows. but good thing, repetition only once. so i do it twice only. it makes up a nice length for bookmark. hope it turns out well.*fingers crossed*
my period, i dunno if its there. i get pains, heavy discharge, and like little darker discharge, but no blood, looks bit red, but not obvious. wanna come out just come out. dun tease me. hahahaa. that word sounds wrong. but its true, wanna come out duwan come out, like playing the fool with me.
help me. what to do after lunch????????ok i wanna go eat my biskits and start my wavy feather bookmark. i promise i will blog in evening cz i foresee boredom. bai.
bored cupcake smurfette.
p/s: some pics worth keeping for fyi:)











Friday, 7 October 2011
oh hi
oh hi, i am back again, another post in the evening means??? i am bored.. like duh.... or i have no mood to work. hahahaha. so typical lazy me.
went for lunch to papa rich with Marvin, Casey and Jonathan(inuovi) oh their dry noodles dam the yummy lo. and it was free lunch. oh nice. *cheapskate smile*. Casey insisted on paying. lololololololol.
act i think i am going to draft out a proposal for Jonathan, we think we can work in a few angles with them.. and he seemed positive on it. so i am going to draft out wat are the possible ways to work together with them, and send it for approval. and also drama. there was a walk in just now.
and on another thing, did you know bloggers earn dam a lot of monery by just blogging?? ppl act pay like rm800 per blog... of course not read for leasure la, eg: BA wants promotion, BA hires a blogger to blog and promote SHOuT!. so bA pays rm800 per post and apparently, one blogger alone has 40 ooo readers a day, so that's how we do publicity. didn't know blogging is so lucrative. hahaahaha.
oh i was just thinking, i am thinking of doing "my knitting scrapbook":).. where i will compile (or at least try) to get all the knitted projects i have completed, insert it with pictures, the pattern, and perhaps how to knit together with abbreviations and methods.. what do you think? i came up with this idea yesterday and was thinking about it and i think i should do it.:)that will be my own scrapbook.
my next project after bookmark(s) is probable christmas ornaments.:) oh they are just so cute. was checking it out, oh the gingerbread man the angel, the star, the ball ,the snowman the tree. aaaaaaa.. so so so cute. i wanna make gingerbread man:D.
then after Christmas, i wanna knit smth for him:). then knit muffler for daddy(they going Australia in June) yayy... and knit smth for maverick(haven't decided) then small projects will be mug holder. another very cute item:D. and by then, maybe isaid maybe i might consider selling. maybe only k? depends on my knitting skills. if they have improved and i am good at it, i might sell. as it is, with my bookmarks, madam said she wants to buy. she was serious. i told her simple one rm3, elaborate rm5, she said ok .wahhhhhh. deng deng.:)
anyways so I'll go do some work and i probably wont blog till Monday... so again happy weekend:).
cupcake smurfette
went for lunch to papa rich with Marvin, Casey and Jonathan(inuovi) oh their dry noodles dam the yummy lo. and it was free lunch. oh nice. *cheapskate smile*. Casey insisted on paying. lololololololol.
act i think i am going to draft out a proposal for Jonathan, we think we can work in a few angles with them.. and he seemed positive on it. so i am going to draft out wat are the possible ways to work together with them, and send it for approval. and also drama. there was a walk in just now.
and on another thing, did you know bloggers earn dam a lot of monery by just blogging?? ppl act pay like rm800 per blog... of course not read for leasure la, eg: BA wants promotion, BA hires a blogger to blog and promote SHOuT!. so bA pays rm800 per post and apparently, one blogger alone has 40 ooo readers a day, so that's how we do publicity. didn't know blogging is so lucrative. hahaahaha.
oh i was just thinking, i am thinking of doing "my knitting scrapbook":).. where i will compile (or at least try) to get all the knitted projects i have completed, insert it with pictures, the pattern, and perhaps how to knit together with abbreviations and methods.. what do you think? i came up with this idea yesterday and was thinking about it and i think i should do it.:)that will be my own scrapbook.
my next project after bookmark(s) is probable christmas ornaments.:) oh they are just so cute. was checking it out, oh the gingerbread man the angel, the star, the ball ,the snowman the tree. aaaaaaa.. so so so cute. i wanna make gingerbread man:D.
then after Christmas, i wanna knit smth for him:). then knit muffler for daddy(they going Australia in June) yayy... and knit smth for maverick(haven't decided) then small projects will be mug holder. another very cute item:D. and by then, maybe isaid maybe i might consider selling. maybe only k? depends on my knitting skills. if they have improved and i am good at it, i might sell. as it is, with my bookmarks, madam said she wants to buy. she was serious. i told her simple one rm3, elaborate rm5, she said ok .wahhhhhh. deng deng.:)
anyways so I'll go do some work and i probably wont blog till Monday... so again happy weekend:).
cupcake smurfette
......"It's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend Friday, Friday Gettin' down on Friday Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend......"
not that i like that song. just suddenly crossed my mind and it's Friday today:)wohoooo. everybody loves Friday..u love Friday i love Friday, we all love Fridays. i love this Friday more cz i am flying to Singapore today:D. short short trip, cz we couldn't take more days off, but end of the month we be going again, that would be a long trip, plan to go universal studio:D and night safari. of course the reason why we going is Lester and wings wedding. this weekend is mark and Loretta. talking of that, 12 years of courtship, that amazing. *touch wood*... happy for them, and wishing them the best as they embark in a new chapter of life. may the both of you be blessed with a lot of faith, hope, joy, prosperity and most of all, love!. may you both continue to love each other like Christ does, and may you both continue to grow with Him..
for Lester and wing, this 29th you will be officially husband and wife, and to wing, may you learn more bout Christ and you embark this journey together with Lester. i too hope the best for both of you in this new chapter and love each other unconditionally:). hugs to all of you.
so back to Friday, yeah, that's my weekend plan. oh today is my sister/best friend/s birthday:D. this is for you. guns.
"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to gunne, happy birthday to you"... love you loads.. hugs and hope it's another year to remember:)... and remember, age is just an number, you will always be 15 years if you think you are 15:) hugs:).
tomorrow is stanley's birthday. happy birthday cuz:D. have a blessed one. so it's 9am.. i guess it's time to work. hahahahaha. oh today gonna pass real slow. OK then, hope i will be busy, if i don't blog later, happy weekend, have a blast, be good and i will see you on Monday.
bai bai
p/s: hope i din miss out anything and hope ky reaches on time:). looking forward to see ky too.
cupcake smurfette
not that i like that song. just suddenly crossed my mind and it's Friday today:)wohoooo. everybody loves Friday..u love Friday i love Friday, we all love Fridays. i love this Friday more cz i am flying to Singapore today:D. short short trip, cz we couldn't take more days off, but end of the month we be going again, that would be a long trip, plan to go universal studio:D and night safari. of course the reason why we going is Lester and wings wedding. this weekend is mark and Loretta. talking of that, 12 years of courtship, that amazing. *touch wood*... happy for them, and wishing them the best as they embark in a new chapter of life. may the both of you be blessed with a lot of faith, hope, joy, prosperity and most of all, love!. may you both continue to love each other like Christ does, and may you both continue to grow with Him..
for Lester and wing, this 29th you will be officially husband and wife, and to wing, may you learn more bout Christ and you embark this journey together with Lester. i too hope the best for both of you in this new chapter and love each other unconditionally:). hugs to all of you.
so back to Friday, yeah, that's my weekend plan. oh today is my sister/best friend/s birthday:D. this is for you. guns.
"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to gunne, happy birthday to you"... love you loads.. hugs and hope it's another year to remember:)... and remember, age is just an number, you will always be 15 years if you think you are 15:) hugs:).
tomorrow is stanley's birthday. happy birthday cuz:D. have a blessed one. so it's 9am.. i guess it's time to work. hahahahaha. oh today gonna pass real slow. OK then, hope i will be busy, if i don't blog later, happy weekend, have a blast, be good and i will see you on Monday.
bai bai
p/s: hope i din miss out anything and hope ky reaches on time:). looking forward to see ky too.
cupcake smurfette
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
checklist for this weekend
hello, when ever i go somewhere i must put up the check list which i am sure will be useful:) oh BTW we are flying to Singapore this weekend for mark and Loretta's wedding:).
1) passport
2) cash
3) wallet(which comes with cash and identity card):P
4) umbrella
5) balms
6) panadol
7) itinerary(flight itinerary)
8) dress:D( which i haven't put up yet right) never mind just see the full thing next week:)
9) shoes(heels)
10)make up+brush set+remover+brush cleaner+facial pads
12)dinner bag
13)Pandora bracelet
15)panty liners
17)facial wash
18)body shampoo
19)punani wash
23)clothes to wear and come back
26)shades(to take from ky)
27)lip balm
28)cotton on sweater
thats all for now that i can think of. will add when i think of more.
ok bai
cupcake smurfette
1) passport
2) cash
3) wallet(which comes with cash and identity card):P
4) umbrella
5) balms
6) panadol
7) itinerary(flight itinerary)
8) dress:D( which i haven't put up yet right) never mind just see the full thing next week:)
9) shoes(heels)
10)make up+brush set+remover+brush cleaner+facial pads
12)dinner bag
13)Pandora bracelet
15)panty liners
17)facial wash
18)body shampoo
19)punani wash
23)clothes to wear and come back
26)shades(to take from ky)
27)lip balm
28)cotton on sweater
thats all for now that i can think of. will add when i think of more.
ok bai
cupcake smurfette
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
when i was driving to work today, after i hit the entrance to leburaya Guthrie, was driving and there was this silver kelisa next to me. NBL17. young malay guy. he just wined down his window, and spat and the spit landed on my car. wtf????????? and i honked and honked and honked, and he just drove off. fucker i tell you. where is his bloody manners? never even apologize. seriously??????? if i see that car, i definitely will honk till kingdom come i tell you. really spoil my morning....
and another numb nut story, which i think has always been. i was sitting in front of him in the room discussing smth with other boss, and when that boss told him smth bout drama not able to start, bear in mind i am sitting in front of him, he says, "there is a reason why i made a kpi, the kpi is for "people" to follow. i didn't do it for no reason. if "everyone" don't follow kpi, my drama class will never start. " hello? where are your balls/ i am sitting in front of u, u got a problem, u tell me, dun say, ppl cant follow my kpi and people need to hit their target, when the ppl is sitting in front of u. bloody rude. he is another one no manners. all numb nuts!!.
OK enough of ranting for the day.
good news: my RM5-a-day campaign has hit RM300. wohooooo.*bravo Adelle*.. every day since august 8th i have been saving rm5 a day. and i am going to continue saving rm5 a day every day. this money goes into our I love you account. KY says this money in i love you account will be saved for our children. yayy to that, but i thought that money can be used for our honey moon ke or smth.. hahaha but oh well. good also to save for our children. but anyhow by the time we have kids, inflation will be so high, this money which we have been saving wont be enough for much stuff, but, better then none at all:).. sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit kan?
my own saving, every month i make sure i keep 300 + to be dumped into HSBC. that's my own saving, which also i am wondering, it wont even be enough to get married or honey moon:( when i think of that i feel sad. i wont be able to do a lot of things for our wedding CZ i got no money:(.. some more when buy house, cant buy anything, all also need to agree on whatever KY wants. sigh.. feel so useless:(. i cant contribute for anything. sigh.
anyways shall blog later. going to call UOB now. then prob apply for more jobs. prob will go on MC, print my resume and go job hunting.
OK bai.
looser cupcake smurfette
and another numb nut story, which i think has always been. i was sitting in front of him in the room discussing smth with other boss, and when that boss told him smth bout drama not able to start, bear in mind i am sitting in front of him, he says, "there is a reason why i made a kpi, the kpi is for "people" to follow. i didn't do it for no reason. if "everyone" don't follow kpi, my drama class will never start. " hello? where are your balls/ i am sitting in front of u, u got a problem, u tell me, dun say, ppl cant follow my kpi and people need to hit their target, when the ppl is sitting in front of u. bloody rude. he is another one no manners. all numb nuts!!.
OK enough of ranting for the day.
good news: my RM5-a-day campaign has hit RM300. wohooooo.*bravo Adelle*.. every day since august 8th i have been saving rm5 a day. and i am going to continue saving rm5 a day every day. this money goes into our I love you account. KY says this money in i love you account will be saved for our children. yayy to that, but i thought that money can be used for our honey moon ke or smth.. hahaha but oh well. good also to save for our children. but anyhow by the time we have kids, inflation will be so high, this money which we have been saving wont be enough for much stuff, but, better then none at all:).. sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit kan?
my own saving, every month i make sure i keep 300 + to be dumped into HSBC. that's my own saving, which also i am wondering, it wont even be enough to get married or honey moon:( when i think of that i feel sad. i wont be able to do a lot of things for our wedding CZ i got no money:(.. some more when buy house, cant buy anything, all also need to agree on whatever KY wants. sigh.. feel so useless:(. i cant contribute for anything. sigh.
anyways shall blog later. going to call UOB now. then prob apply for more jobs. prob will go on MC, print my resume and go job hunting.
OK bai.
looser cupcake smurfette
Monday, 3 October 2011
horrible monday blues
omaigawd.. today the monday blues is terrible. i dun feel like doign anything. no seriously anything. evne myk nitting, i made boo boo. aduh!!!.. later boss come back, need to call. sheesh kebab!!.
need to prepare for sponsorships. when he was explaining i totally couldn't register anything he said. and i am still feeling like it now. aduhhhh!!!!help me help me!!
butterscotch is in penang. i hope there is 3g there though. if not cant skype. oh hei we are going to singapore this weekend:) short trip for mark and loretta's wedding:). shall update checklist in a while.
meanwhile to pass time, we are going to watch shout now:).hehheehehehehehe. i watched it before but easnt clear. i din understand, so going to watch half. actually i got a lot of work to settle. but i just got no mood. wonder whats wrong with me:(... i hope it's only today. sigh.
catch up later. bai bai.
cupcake smurfette
need to prepare for sponsorships. when he was explaining i totally couldn't register anything he said. and i am still feeling like it now. aduhhhh!!!!help me help me!!
butterscotch is in penang. i hope there is 3g there though. if not cant skype. oh hei we are going to singapore this weekend:) short trip for mark and loretta's wedding:). shall update checklist in a while.
meanwhile to pass time, we are going to watch shout now:).hehheehehehehehe. i watched it before but easnt clear. i din understand, so going to watch half. actually i got a lot of work to settle. but i just got no mood. wonder whats wrong with me:(... i hope it's only today. sigh.
catch up later. bai bai.
cupcake smurfette
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