Friday 21 October 2011

what's on next week?

busy busy week next week. why? ok i work for 2 days,yayyyyyy, then wed is deepavali, so i have 1 day to take a nice long break, because 27th is a busy busy busy day.. 930am interview with Citibank, then 3.30pm interview with uob bank. 930am is assessment, then 11am interview. hope it wont take too long, cz i will need to rush to medan pasar. i will be using public transport. so that means i have to leave my house at 645am, dunno should i park my car in ktm or drive to kelana jaya, then take public transport to menara Citibank. its using kelana jaya line. then need to rush to medan pasar(i think using kelana jaya line also. cz its at pasar seni, Bangkok bank there). wow.... but rewarding news, after a long day of traveling here and there, my puss in boots is coming down that evening, and we will go for delicious crabs /nasi lemak
( its not both. its either one, which we haven't decided) and on Friday early morning, we are flying to Singapore for a great holiday.:) Friday i am not sure what is the plan maybe just rest, hang around, cz i think everyone's working, maybe go walk around( which i dunno where) then night dinner with the gang, unless i need to go wing place to plan. i dunno, maybe. then sat prob go to wing place earlier with Loretta, then whole day wedding, Sunday go universal studio:), Monday go zoo and safari and Tuesday go walk around shopping and buy pop corn. wed come back to Malaysia;( and Thurs work, sigh. but yeah its busy busy busy week:P i hope smth positive comes out from the interview. i will be tendering my letter of resignation the day my money clear.s my salary, i will be professional,. i will hand over my work thoroughly, properly, and tell him, i wont stay for 2 weeks cz no contract, but i will stay till work is completely understood by derene and handed over properly, then i will leave. i hope i will have time to rest and start back new work. cz i really want to take a break. for a while... i hope i get more interviews.

anyways, nth i can do. just keep applying job, and smth wil lcome in i believe. plans tonight, mum mum with sister:), tomorrow wake up late, wash clothes, then 6pm go out with Chloe, dunno go where and whats the plan yet. then sunday go to lily to complete my bag. yayy did i tell you its done? just need to connect edges sew button button hole etc and voila:) cant wait*happy*.

another 15 minutes to go. shoudl i send hi mdaily update? yeah i think i should be good til lmy money clears:). ok la i go send hi mthat. i wont be her for weekend so happy wekeend. bf is on call tongiht and sunday:(. but nvmd i shall not complain. so happy weekend:)

puss in boots

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