naturally..=)and i look so fat my face.gosh!!
that's helen=)
this is my bestest buddy and will always be. she and sheri are 2 buddies i can rely on and tell anything. sheri is my other best friend, FYI, which i shall put up more pictures of us when's she's back. yayyy!btu yeah, stephanie and me ,bestest budds since standard 5..=)
this is helen. though i only got tok now her last year, during priya's birthday, but we clciked immediately. she is just like me and stephanie. and one hell of a witty girl.=)and she loves dogs. she has a siberian husky. i am yet to see it=)
we think alike, we laugh at the slightest things, we are scared of rodens and roaches, we like orange, we like funky things, we like shopping, we are so alike, that's why we click..=)
being the vain me=)
ok ,then on usnday, which was 4th april 2008. the three of us went out again, this time jalan in bandar baru, went to stephanie's house to take picture=) and went ot the club to see her brother join some water sports.
this is a bar.. i know you know that, but it's in her house=)
her mother has green fingers=)
mini free taman negara=) omg, i love this picture. we both loo kso nice, and i look so slim!!!!!!i know it's deceiving cz i am not as thin as that, but hell, i look good, and of course, stephanie looks nice, always looked good girl!=)hehe
helen and stephanie
aiyo. this helen r. hold my camera, then go and take when i tengah zoom and take pic of them.
helen and me=)
i am so vain
more pictures in their cameras. so shall upload when i get them yeah?
my brothers are so cute. i just cant resist but to take pictures of em. sooo comel!
adam in the kennel
comel kan?i was trying to pull his toy from him, and he refused!
ok, this pictures below were supposed to long blogged, but never found the time to take pictures of it, you kan tahu, i orang busy?yeah righ, busy playing diner dash. hahahahah=) but anyway, below are pictures of smth i really like, and bought by someone i really love and i really appreciate it!
nice?it's a white elegant hand bag from vincci. and the person who bought it for me, which is my bf, said it looks like dim sum. (siu mai in particular) where got right?haha..but nayway, it's from vincci. i was eyeing that bag, but i couln't afford it, cz iwas having financial crisis, but i really liked it, and lc asked his friend to help him buy cz he knew i really wanted it. thanx my moo moo!i lreallyl ik it, and yeah ,it's not LV ( ok, firstly, i can't afford LV and LV bags are dammmmm ugly and aunty) sorry to my readers who are fans of LV, but this is just my opinion=) ok la, maybe i say so cz ican't afford even to buy the LV paper bag, what more the bag? so maybe thats y i am saying this.=Pbut yeah, LV is leather, and i am AGAINST ANIMAL PRODUCTS!!!!!this bag is not original leather, its pvs mix with smth, i am sure bout it.=)
beautiful isn't it?but of course, it just compliments the owner. it's only beautiful dpending on who carries it=)ahem*
another thing i bought myself without anyone knowing, only yi jing cz iwent with her, is this beautiful thing, =)
nice?it's this beautiful butterfly stone sandal from vid and vad. only rm45. ok ,not only, it was expensive but it's so pretty=)you have to agree on this!!even my mom said it was nice and wanted to loan it.
ok, you might be wondering where this picture was taken, or you guessed it, yes in my car, while waiting for stephanie and helen to go buy bus tickets..=D
so werent' those pretty?=)me like, but no more shopping till end of the year. i have made a vow=)and i mean it!!!=P
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