Wednesday 14 September 2011


hello... i am bored. and sien of doing this work. i have work but just bored. and my temples are kinda painful .it comes very often. i have no idea why. hope its nothing la:(..

anyways tomorrow is thursday, and friday is a holiday!!.weeeeeee... tomorrow bf is coming down.. did i mention?4 nights 3 days:) which of course will go pass blinking fast. but anyways plan for the weekend?

thursday night pick me up, then meet sis and mave for seapark nasi lemak. i hope u are open!!!, then friday whatever tim we wake up, make breakfast then go subang parade, settle my bag and learn to do tassels. then go to cold storage, walk around, hunt for dress/tops for him.. we di nfind any though. then come back, chill nap,apply for jobs, shower, then go south pacific crabs:D. *droools*.

then sat whatever tim we wake up(but not too late) go to pyramid, have bfast/brunch, walk around buy concealer and jeans(s) for him and me) look for dress(if haventfound la):P catch a mvie or 2, then eithre have dinenr there, or come back home and coo kdinner, then chill, and do whatever we feel like doing:D.

sunday, go to church, have brunch, come home nap, chill ,apply for more jobs, knit then dinner, then mop because next week is a full 5 day week and bf is going back:(

so thats my weekend plan for this weekend. whats yours? sheesh.. i still got one more day to work:(. sien la... i am yawning non-stop now:)

anyways i am bored. haha and i am looking for more knitted bookmarks patterns. found so many, hahaha but some seem hard. hmmmm. i completed gunne's one but dunno how to make tassels, so need to go to parade learn then do.:P. anyway i am bored, but need to follow up some work. update tomorrow k?tomorrow at this time i promise i will be in a much happier and better mood:D. cant wait.

ok bye. happy wednesday:)



Kuan said...

Sayang if you are cupcake then i am what?? yay fun filled weekend...

babymau said...

if i am cupcake you are......macaroon:D