Monday 5 September 2011

cupcake is back

and hello... after one whole week... of course i am in a calmer mood. i recalled my last post being a total bitch.aahahha. oh well, i am not now. so yes, hello and wlecome back to work everyone. (though some worked on last monday and Friday and Saturday and sunday). well that obviously is onyl for ky. haha. poor thing. anyways i am back today with terible monday blues. but not so blue cz mat busu isnt in. oh i don't want to start on mat busu. to spoil this beautiful day. hehehe. lets talk bout my one week break:)

last saturday, darlene chloe and leon and me came back to ti, at 5am. to beat the jam. it was a funtasbulous weekend, with loads of booze, laughter and catching up:). we must do this more often ya?:)

then monday i had to work*&^E#$#%^^&&(&%$#$^. so my sweetie bf said he will drive me down. so we came back to kl, while i vwas in work, he chilled in aaron's place and lepaked with aaron.( aaron followed him us down to keep him company). so after breakfast, i went to work they went and chilled in his house, then went to mv to pass some mugs to hazel(k-zone) then lunch then he dropped me off at office and they went to sunway to settle some stuff and pick up fiona( fiona was following us back). they reached my office at 530 and was at mamak waitign for me. i was upset and sad, as usual work, and i got my cheque, and it made me so depressed. cz how am i going to survive with that amount? they deducted my epf, and even ky said its really little and i am getting a reallly raw deal. i havent even got my contract till now. and that wodnerful person is away for 2 days. so anyways when i went to the mamak, 3 smilign faces greeted me ad of course most was ky. and he offered me smth that made me smile even bigger. a starbucks create your own tumbler. and best was inside got java chip. our favourite. he bought 2, one for each, cz he knows i love couple stuff. awwwww... my baby knows how to cheer me up. i love you sayang. thank you. but without the tumbler also seeing him just made my day:).

so anyway we went home, loads of laughing in the car:P. the whole week passed fast, and we made tiramisu, slept a lot, laughed a lot, went to opahs house for raya, had good fodo for dinner and lunch, spent time at home, knit. and oh did i mention my bag is done? ok not literally cz i need to go back to get the strap and zip, but the bag is finished. supposed to use 4 balls, but 3 is long enuf. pics will be in the next post cz its from my phone:). oh love it. cant wait to get it completed:). and i started on bookmarks. did one and so far looks nice:). now just need to figure out how to increase adn decrease stictvhes so i can do the arrow shape:). and oh i still dunno how to do tassels. hmmm.

oh and congrats to albert and adel, kamalesh and peshna for tieing the knot on 31st august 2011. to the 2 newly weds, congratulations and god bless the 4 of you, and bless this new family. happy married life! i only could attend albverts, as it was on same day, and time, and albert informed me long time ago. one of the first to know after he proposed to adel. its so weird how albert is finally married.. thats a fast thing. haha.

oh o nanother happy note, stephanie and jason are gettign registered on 30th september 2011. i am so happy for both of u. and girl, after all you went thru, you deserve al lthe happiness and joy. and jason is a great guy, and we wish you all the best in another chapter of life:). anddd i am goign to be the bridesmaid. woohooooo...

anyways yadda yadda yadda the week went pass super fast, and crappos, now i am back i nwork. and that wonderful person is away but sends emails to do work.

i already miss home.and i am dam stress. just finished meeting. and we need more students for drama to start the class on saturday. we have 2 only. we need another 4 at least to cover cost. sigh. how now? i relally hate marketign and sales. and worse is i dont have a contract, or guide to follow. i feel like why am i workign so hard for? for the miserable 1681? but i dun have anything to do and dunno what to do.. there's no structure in anything. sigh.

anyways ok, gotta get back to work. will update i nevenign gaain as usual.


p/s: bdw why cupcake? in the morning when i was driving,i called sayang just to talk to him, and asked him whats his bfast. he said most prob cupcake. so i said which flavour cz think my mo mgave him all butter instead fo chocolate. and i said am so sorry.. then dunno how we ended up then he said, "it's ok, you're my cupcake". awwwww. muax muax muax muax my cupcake. oh wait, he's my little MARSHMALLOW, and i am his little MARSHROOM.hahahahahahaa. ok bye


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