ok, explanation.. old tales say that when you arrange your shoes like that(above) the ghost or spirits lingering around won't know how to wear it, and won't wear it lo. funny but true.ok i don't know if it's true, but i went out just now,(went boutique hopping)i saw the other customers also arranged their shoes like that. so means it is true lo.hahahahahaa.
did you know, when you go to hotel rooms, you must always make sure al lthe beds are occupied?even if your not sleeping, put your bags and luggage on it, cz i think you know why right?i don't need to explain..
did you know, when you check in in hotel rooms, dorms, or any other room which has not been occupied for at least a week, you MUST always knock first, even though you know there's no one inside(ok, no human beings inside) and you have the key but you must knock first, then when you open, stand at the side, with door semi open, and let "them" walk out first, then only open the door fully, and go inside. you are asking for permission to sleep in that room in a nice way, and indirectly asking "them" to leave in a pleasant way:P
did you know that there is a plant called "p.ramlee plant"?which looks lik this:
explanation: because, last time, p.ramlee always wear holy shirts and holy stuff. so this plant is named after him cz it's holy. so lame right?but i found it so farnie, and thought my mom made it up, but apparently a lot of people know, cz she went to this boutique, the lady had this plant, my mom asked where she got it, she replied"which one, the p.ramlee one r".means right, people know it as p.ramlee plant.hahahahahaha.*think lc wears lots of p.ramlee clothes lo if thats the explanation for holy plants, cz his shirts and undies(one particular underwear) is full of holes.
on another story, did you know, lc has one underwear with all holes at the back?(means the backside area)i was shocked when i saw it....and seriously, he looked so poor thing, i told him i am getting him underwear the next i go to that section. wait, the funniest part, did you know, he whore that out for dinner, and wait, did you know, he wore loose pants, and did you know, we went to this mamak in hartamas, called "spicy kitchen", and he went to toilet, and then washed hands. did you know that when he was bending to wash his hands, his loose pants must have dropped a bit, no i dun think a bit, dropped a lot, and did you know a lot of people saw his backside, including the waiter, and later, did you know, the waiter came and asked if he got no money to buy underwear??did you know how embarrassing i felt?gosh, no wonder lc said he needed new undies yesterday. hahahahahahha
they should name it the LC plant
I've got the "holiest" clothes in my closet! and my yellow undies looks like Swiss Cheese!
=/////well if you make history in 50 years time, your grandchildren will be so proud to tell everyone there is a plant named after their grandfather.
p/s: can i take picture of the undies?better if your wearing it:P
Hahahahah!! Lc sure has thick skin man! I oso wanna see this underwear. I tot Chris has weird undies, now LC is the champion la!!
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