Monday 3 November 2008

you's one of those....

you know, when you feel the world is against you, and you feel so angry and depressed?it's one of those moments now

you know, when your so tired, your whole body is aching and you can hardly walk to the toilet, yeah it's one of those moments now

you know, when the whole day is crappy, everything goes wrong, you feel like throwing everything on the floor and screaming like a banshee, it's one of those days

you know, when you feel like your about to give up on your hobby cz it doesn't go well ,and you've spent a lot of money, time and effort, but it is all wasted, you feel like you just wanna burn everything that has to do with it and just give up, it's one of those moments

but, you know, when your showing a long face and upset and depressed and going to give up, and your mom comes to you and comforts you and says"it's ok, there's no short cut to success, and you know your mistake now, so next time dun do it". instead of yelling at me cz i wasted her money buying ingredients and wasted her time telling me how to do it, she did not even raise her voice at all. its one of those days you thank your mom for being so supportive.

you know, when you feel like the day is so long, and you just cant wait for night, just can't wait for time to brush your teeth, and just touch the pillow, and knock off to lalaland, well, it's one of those nights.

you know, when your feeling so down, and your looking forward to sitting down after a nice hot shower, with a nice hot mug of coffee, snuggled up on couch, watching your favorite series and you can't cz your mom insists you drive to shop to buy baked beans and onions,it's one of those moments

you know, when your looking forward to eating something, and it doesn't turn out well, you feel like shit cz you've been thinking of it the night before you sleep, and boom, it turns out a disaster. it's one of those days!

you know, after a long hectic day, when everyone's asleep, you look forward to talking to your loved ones, but they are out or busy, and the only happiness for the day is shattered. it's one of those days!

oh welL, just a bad day for me!!let's hope tomorrow is a good day for me. i am going to sleep, and hopefully dream of some nice sweet stuff. good night my readers, and sweet dreams. a blessed day and week to all of you!

p/s: to those people who commented on my blog, and shoutbox, and hell, i don't know who the hell are you. fuck off!and dun dirty my blog with all ur idiotic comments. and to those who want to get to know me, fuck off also!too bad for u, i had to read it when i had a bad day. so life sucks for you!go find someone else to get to know, i am not available!and DON'T BLOODY SHOUT ON MY SHOUT BOX. I FUCKING HATE IT, AND DON'T EVEN DARE COMMENT ON MY BLOG. CZ I DON'T KNOW YOU. SO BUGGER OFF!BABAI!

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