Thursday 13 November 2008


did you know, love is the most important thing in life?not money, but love!

money can make u happy for a moment, but it's not forever. you cant take your money to your grave ,can you?

you may have all the money in the world, but one day you'll realize love is the most important thing in life.

i was reading Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch album, and it made me think. what is everything when you don't have love?what is the point you have all the money, but you do not have love in your life?you do not have the health to live that rich life, you don't have someone to wake up in the morning kiss your good morning, make you pancakes and orange juice for breakfast?or pack your lunch box?and kiss yuo goodbye beofre you leave for work?all you have is your bank account is getting longer and longer, cz more money going in, but no love.

you open your eyes, you think of money, every minute and second, you think of who's cheating your money, or how to make more money?or every single thing you do, you count your money, how expensive it is, or "i don't want to buy it cz its wasting money", or"i don't like the person, so i should n waste money". every thing you say, it's about money. you stress on how expensive it is, and how great it is cz you spent on it, cz it's expensive!not all expensive stuff are good you know?and it's no biggie!

i read harry potter, and again, it made me think cz dumbledore's philosophy is love. power is not important, what's important is to learn to love. which i so think its true. love is the most important thing. learn to love, and your life will be happy.

money and power and wealth, and all those are just temporary. love is eternal:Pits true. it is. learn to love and not count your penny is everything you do. money and power is nothing at the end of the day. you still die, and when you die, you don't take your money with you. but you feel loved before you die:)

do i sound like some preacher?oh no!!!!hahahahaha

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