Friday 2 January 2009


its time to go back to the hectic life. the life of spending money every day, the life of going for classes, meeting annoying people, the life of assignments and rehearsals, the life of sleeping at 3-4am, doing assignments and waking up at 730 for class, the life of loneliness, the life of feeling down, and knowing you don't have anyone to confide in, the life of dealing with all the shits in life...urghhhh!

am packing now..packing packing packing!need to bring my lava lamp back:D

still need to update my phone, need to pack my laptop..

oh, i baked fruit cake 2 yesterday..and guess wat, it was a successss.weeeeeeeeeeeee...really nice, and rich...

before and after:)

hail theb aker..and assistant baker..yeah right:P

on a more random time, i went to buy nasi lemak from the Malay shop we always buy, and saw smth farnie, :

cats humping and public..where everyone was looking at them.ahahahahaha..horny cats..oh well, good for them, usher in the new year with ...

isaac peeping from top of stairs.. hes a real si comel..his new name:bulat:D

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